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  Краткий обзор художественного творчества Тольятти "Изображение ощущений". Визитные странички авторов предоставивших материалы.
2002 ©SHAH

Alexey Tichonov

That's the author of these pages, me. Known also as AlT or AlTerT. But you surely have already guessed that.
As you happen to reach that page I assume you wanted to know some things about me.
Probably you will be interested in some of my background. That's easy. I live in St.Petersburg, Russia. I have some kind of electronics university background as well as bachelor degree in philosophy. But, anyway, I have somewhat wide spectrum of interests and now work as a designer.
I won't talk about my music and photography, I'll leave it for you, why talk when you can watch and listen by yourself. The photography section spreads faster than music, and I even plan to make some guest-galleries for my friends-photographers as well.
If you have some comments or so feel free to send me a mail to alt@spinaudio.com If you want to see more of my commercial works, see
art section of my site. I also participated in some projects that are listed on Arcadia, inc. site and E-spaces NV/SA when I worked there.
Currently I work as a designer in Together Soft, inc

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