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  Краткий обзор художественного творчества Тольятти "Изображение ощущений". Визитные странички авторов предоставивших материалы.
2002 ©SHAH

Rishard May

Rishard May was born in a small town of Russia in Kletsk on June 5, 1936. After he finished school, he did his army service in Fleet. He chose to become a diver and life-saver. But at the age of 30 he changed his whole life- he entered the Byelorussian Institute of Theatre and Art, which, at last, gave him the chance to take on something he had been interested in since childhood- painting. In 1970 there comes a new period in his life, where he is a teacher and painter. Works of Rishard are emotions, reflected through colors, music improvisations, his pain and his remedy. He devotes all his time and effort to organizing exhibitions of his students. Rishard works at nights at home, where his little son Milan and his caring wife Yelena Senkevich wait for him. Yelena Senkevich specializes in the culture of Orient, she is also the first viewer and admirer of her husband's works. Nowadays, the painter is getting ready for his exhibition dedicated to his 65th anniversary and his 30th anniversary of his creative and pedagogical activity.

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